Not just a job.
Read stories of our employees across all our teams
about their experiences within the organization.
At work, how are you given the opportunity to do what you do best every day? What do you hope for the future or how do you see yourself?
Microgenesis exposed me to a wide range of technologies from Hardware to Software and is continually giving me the chance to develop my skillset by providing resources, seminars and trainings related to our products. It continually gives me the chance to handle projects from SMB to Enterprise accounts. The company also provides personal development programs that helped me utilize my strengths to perform my tasks efficiently and effectively. I am grateful to Microgenesis the trust and opportunities given to me. I look forward to witness what is yet to come in my professional and personal life while working in Microgenesis. To God be the glory!
How has Microgenesis developed your technical competencies?
Every project is distinct—the team, external factors, priority, stakes—but we remain focused on two things: the value we add and the lessons we learn that makes us wiser. Needless to say, Microgenesis continues to provide new arrows to my expanding quiver: with every new project, I gather knowledge and skills. I desire to share these blessings and look forward to adding more value to clients, teams, and projects with Microgenesis.
At work, who encourages your personal and technical development?
I am motivated not only by family and friends, but most especially by the goal and purpose of life, which is to help. I continue in this line of work, driven by the desire to make a difference both internal to Microgenesis and to my dear customers. The priority is customer first over personal gain. Opportunity to provide the best customer experience while making IT easy for them encourages me to further develop competencies in selling and drives me to elevate my technical skills with the latest technologies whenever possible.
The priority is customer first over personal gain. Opportunity to provide the best customer experience while making IT easy for them encourages me to further develop competencies in selling and drives me to elevate my technical skills with the latest technologies whenever possible.
Our core values of Customer Focus, Teamwork, and Excellence play important roles as I go above and beyond to help customers in rolling out projects. As one Microgenesis, we are able to extend quality service and have gained the trust and loyalty of clients. We listen intently to customer pain points and business drivers, and we address them toward their business success. Always grateful for involvement, I also make sure all teams in my projects get proper credit for their contribution. Most importantly, we as a whole ensure uncompromised quality of services and support, resulting to great customer experience and development of our own capabilities.
In what ways have challenges at work molded you toward excellence?
New challenges arise daily for us to face head-on. In my work, I am glad that Microgenesis provide the best environment by promoting collaboration, teamwork, and communication and by nurturing the best teams and engineers. With these, I have the leverage to get through obstacles and be my best in everything I do.
Among my first projects, I was tasked to set up a Hybrid Exchange configuration on-site by myself, miles away from our office. I was troubled because I was unsure if I could finish before the deadline, yet I overcome the challenge. I was able to excellently complete my task far ahead of schedule with the support and resourcefulness of the team. Through this project, I conquered my fears and learned to be resourceful, patient, and focused.
Now, whenever there’s opportunity to learn, to lead, or to be involved, I make sure to have the proper growth mindset, to be attentive, and to have self-discipline. These qualities allow me to be my best and help me grow as an engineer. In all this, I hope Microgenesis will emerge as the exemplar for team collaboration, quality of work, and orientation toward customer satisfaction.
At work, are you heard? How have your opinions benefited the team?
In my line of work in Software Solutions, we have been divided into virtual teams or pillars depending on the products or solutions that we excel in. These tightly-knit subgroups have facilitated effective communication, product focus, and team familiarity, thereby resulting in better engineer engagement at work.
My pillar consists in three engineers, each of us with unique strengths. Whenever a situation arises that involves the entire pillar, the three of us would collaborate and brainstorm by sharing our own ways of troubleshooting and even our own experiences in handling similar situations. We complement each other’s strengths, and we also look after one another. We update each other with client concerns, and we keep each other aware of current trends, simulation experiences, or knowledge relevant to our designated products. In short, we progress as a pillar. I am able to contribute well to my team because of my many years of service with Microgenesis, starting as an On-the-Job Trainee, as a Service Engineer under Assembly, and currently as a Systems Engineer under the Software Solutions Team. My engagement with different departments has shaped my identity, and I am grateful for the many years spent strengthening my abilities with Microgenesis.
“How is the organization of Microgenesis supporting you this pandemic?”
There is an increased prevalence of depression, fear and anxiety in pregnant women during this ongoing Covid19 pandemic. It is important to stay informed but, in my case, I do not constantly check the news. | step away from media if it’s already overwhelming. | work-from-home and avoid all non-essential travel. Prayer is our best armor in these difficult times and trusting God all the way. Our company ensures that every employee is safe specially those who are high risk like me who’s on my fifth month of pregnancy. They regularly check on me to make sure that my baby and I are healthy and safe.
I take breaks from watching and reading the news, including those on social media because hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting. I make sure to care of myself, I eat healthy, practice deep breathing, and exercise regularly. Of course, I also use my PPE and follow precautionary measures to protect myself from the virus.
Our company has been supportive of my decisions as a nurse, especially when dealing with the health of our employees. They provide everything I need, they always consider my suggestions as their health care personnel.
How does your supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about you as a person?
Part of a family—this is how I have been treated in Microgenesis. I am not just a person who works to meet business targets. People do look after my overall wellness, and this personal care has radically shaped my performance at work, my relationship with peers, and my quality of life.
In this family, my supervisor is my big brother. He doesn’t just supervise my assigned tasks, but he also checks my emotional wellbeing both in work and in life. He has never had second thoughts in reaching out a helping hand. Whenever I made known that an assigned task was overwhelming, he has always resolved to constantly check on me and to give pointers and advice. As for my colleagues: we complement each other, we know our similarities and differences. They know my ethical beliefs and they respect that. I can be as comfortable as I want with them, so learning and growing together is extremely fun and exciting.
This pandemic has forced us shut in our homes, but once we have the opportunity to reunite physically, I’m sure that we’ll savor it and celebrate our achievements, big or small. Knowing that these kinds of people have my back has greatly boosted my confidence in facing challenges at work and in life. To God be all the glory!