Red Hat
Red Hat continues to have a hands-on training and a practical certification path to fit in the user’s business goals aside from its Linux training and DevOps Certification. They have course offerings designed in building the skills needed to embrace the challenges of any job which include courses in Cloud architect, Application developer, OpenShift administrator, and Linux administrator.

SUSE’s academic program gives access to knowledge, training, and SUSE open source tools for colleges, schools, academic hospitals, universities, libraries, non-profit museums, and more. Participating members can enjoy benefits like training, curriculum, the use of SUSE for education and administrative or production workloads, development resources, support, and volume license agreement for education.

Microsoft Education supports multimedia experiences that can keep students, families, and educators connected. Microsoft focuses on hybrid learning, that is why they offer over nearly a million courses worldwide and were completed on the Microsoft Educator Center aiming to bring new skills to the user’s classroom, earn professional development hours, and acquire badges in implementing hybrid learning.

Pearson Vue Testing Center
Pearson Vue being the Global leader in Computer-based testing, more than 450 credential owners across the globe chooses them because they help in managing, developing, growing, and delivering testing programs. Pearson Vue was built on a state-of-the-art technology which enables them to deliver exams reliably and provide the highest levels of service to clients and their candidates all over the world.

Certiport Testing Center
Certiport is a Pearson Vue business established in 1977 and is now the leading provider of certification exam development, program management services, and delivery. Certiport collaborates with industry-leading certification providers to deliver their products successfully to market.